A seamless, patent-pending technology that allows any business or charity to be tipped, paid or donated to instantly.
Who they are
Strikepay is revolutionising the way we pay for goods and services in this more prevalent cashless society. Their aim isn’t to mould into the cashless society, but to provide a seamless option when cash isn’t an option.
Their seamless, patent-pending interface makes it easy for customers to tip restaurant staff, pay taxi drivers or make a quick charity donation, as just a few examples. Strikepay also helps those people collect their money.
What they faced
We helped them design their app and design & build their website, incorporating their brand into the whole process. The app is available now and has been tipped (pun not intended) as one of the hottest startups in Ireland. The core issue that Strikepay is trying to solve is the time-to-tip. When using cash it’s almost instant for customers to tip staff members, so that was our goal with the app. By using clear, concise information, users can quickly interact with the app and complete payment.

Crafting the solution
The goal: To deliver a slick, seamless UX with a cool brand that runs throughout their products. Making sure their values shone through their digital presence was also key.
With our whole team on board, we flexed our creative muscles and shared ideas with the Strikepay team, working on some initial UI and design concepts in Figma. Once these were sorted our priority was the payment screen.

We wanted to make sure the UX felt right, and the interface was attractive and easy to use. To show how everything worked we created a prototype in Principal which was just the special sauce needed to blow them away.
We also mentioned bringing Strikepay’s values into the design. These include being friendly, young, playful, innovative, and having a mass appeal (necessary for a service which could be used in a variety of settings).
As far as colours were concerned this meant accentuating the pink, removing a lot of the white background, and majoring on the blacks. The shift to dark mode was an intentional UX decision to avoid white backgrounds glowing and drawing unwanted attention in a darker restaurant environment.

The other area we worked on for Strikepay is their brand spanking new website design & build.
The main thing we wanted to achieve was bringing out brand values that were harder to communicate in the product itself. People are at the heart of what Strikepay do so we showed that off in the website imagery, case studies and a bold, familiar, and down to earth design.
This was an exciting project for us because it involved building from an atomic level. Rather than relying on a standard back end and pasting pages on top, our design process involves creating re-usable assets, themes and rules and building from there.
The result is a unique website that has a cohesive identity. The client can add new pages quickly in Webflow and make changes without having to touch a line of code.
Yes, that’s right, we don’t hold on to control. We want our clients to take ownership of what we’ve built without being tied into an unnecessary maintenance contract. We set up a user-friendly system and hand over the reins.
Banging impact
Reducing the amount of clicks it took a user to make a tip was one of the main things we wanted to improve. Fortunately, through their new design system and slick UX, we’ve reduced that user journey to half the time.


“The Bang team really understood our goals and what we were trying to achieve for our customers. They completely revamped our app interface and give us a stunning new website. They challenged our thinking and made some big decisions with our sticky user journey which helped significantly reduce the time it took for a user to make a payment. Friendly, clinical and creative. Highly recommended.”
we reduced the Time-To-Tip metric from 18s to 8s, improving the customer experience on both sides of the product.